Thursday, 12 December 2013

self harm

its been a while since i last posted and honestly it because i didn't know what to write but i have had a slight burst of inspiration. 
allot of the girls (and few boys) at my school are really insecure about themselves, i have to be honest again here when i say i am too. last year allot of people (yes including me) started to become really suicidal and self harm, it was a scary time and we were too scared to tell anyone including our parents. we would all tell each other like it was no big deal, until one day our parents found out some of us got into trouble which made us self harm more. my mum was angry and upset but she knew what i was going through as she used to self harm herself when she was 16.
with allot of support even though we are still really insecure we have almost all stopped cutting and self harming. (that's my little story over with)
what I'm trying to say is if your a teenager out there or a adult it doesn't matter if you do self harm its really bad and sooner or later someone is going to find out, i made a self harming video not too long ago and i put it on facebook. my mum told me to take it into school so i did and it was shown in a self harming Assembly, i was proud in that moment and it boosted my self Esteem so now if i know people who still do self harm i always try to help them quite.
obviously some people don't want to stop and that's fine its there life in the end but if they do keep going how long will it be until the blade slips in too deep and they loose the one life they have? how would you feel if you were a parent and you walked into your child's bedroom and saw them in a pool of blood, dead? you would feel awful the amount of questions going through your mind in that spit second would be un-real.
basically what i'm trying to say without going on too much (which i am known for doing) is to say self harming is awful. it lowers self-esteem, it leaves horrible scars all over your body and eventually it will kill you! please if there's anyone out there who does self harm or cut please stop! i stopped, most of my friends have stopped and if we raise awareness of it maybe the whole world might see how pointless it is and stop. can you imagine that a world without self harm, it would be pretty damn amazing! please help raise awareness of self harm and the danger it causes to Innocent lives everywhere! ill post the link to the video in the comments when i get it up on my youtube channel again.
thanks guys,
Emma <3